These Are Difficult Time

Remember what is truly important.  We socially distance ourselves from each other because we know what's most important: the health and safety of our family, friends, employees, and those most vulnerable.

As a fitness expert, or “personal trainer,” my way of life is dependent on working with my clients. I train via one-on-one sessions, in close proximity. This is no longer possible. With the need for social distancing, with gyms closed until further notice, and with many not going outside, I’d like to become your virtual trainer through this mess.

My Offer of Virtual Training

Every week, I will send three 20 min, at-home workout sessions to you, with a video of how to do everything. You just tell me when you are done, and if you have any questions about specific moves or alternatives, I can work with you on that.  All I am asking is for $50 a week per person.  Together, we need to focus on the future and come out of this more healthy than when we started. I look forward to working with you! Sign up below. Payment must be made at the beginning of each week via Venmo or credit card.